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Lip Blush is a cosmetic tattoo that applies pigment to the lip to create the look of volume, shape, definition and colour. A shape is drawn on, colour is implanted by skipping the needle across the lip.. surprisingly comfortable, initially post treatment the colour will look intense, it has to be strong enough to show through the lip once healed. 



Lip Neutralisation is for anyone with melanin or hyper-pigmented lips who wish to camouflage the dark tones in their lips . Two to three sessions may be needed depending on lip pigmentation and desired results. Typically for Fitz Patricks 4-6, However this treatment is suitable for anyone who has hyperpigmentation.

LIP BLUSH (2).png

This procedure will take approximately 1 ½ – 2 hours.




A Consultation is required before treatment. Within this consultation, we will examine your lips, choose your desired look, go through the range of colours, Complete a Patch test ,Set a date for treatment and answer any other questions you may have.


If you have darker lip pigmentation you will need a neutralising session first, and then your second session we use your chosen colour. (More information at the bottom of Page)


Please Note, we cannot complete this treatment without a patch test. 





You won’t be alone in thinking.. Tattoo.. lips..  no way, too painful.. whenever people ask questions about this treatment they always ask about pain.. It has been said that on a scale of 1 to 10 it is around a 3. This depends on each individual as we all have different pain thresholds so the level of discomfort can vary from client to client.


Now, for most clients we don't typically numb as we have found numbing creates more discomfort and swelling overall. We have also found that numbing cream is more likely to prevent the pigment from implanting on the lips, which can effect your overall result. 


We find that most of our clients sit comfortably through this treatment and in fact don't need numbing cream. HOWEVER  numbing is always available in our clinics, if you would prefer to be numbed before procedure we are happy to do this.  


Please Note: The Needle depth is nothing compared to a body tattoo.. We lightly skip over the lip to create sheer layers of colour.  





Your appointment is 2 hour appointment, however most treatments usually take 1 - 1½ hours. 

This includes your Pre-drawing , Numbing application , Procedure Time and After Care.


At Pose Aesthetics we want you to be completely satisfied with your lip shape ,colour choice and position before we start tattooing, which is why this process can not be rushed.


For lip blush, each client is different and requires a different shape, which is why each pair of lips is bespoke and created just for you. For lip neutralising, we mainly focus on colour correcting to achieve your colour goal. 





Typically for Fitz Patricks 4-6, However this treatment is suitable for anyone who has hyperpigmentation.




.A Consultation is required before treatment. Within this consultation, we will examine your lips, choose your desired look, go through the Process, Complete a Patch test ,Set a date for treatment and answer any other questions you may have.


Please Note, we cannot complete this treatment without a patch test. 


This procedure will take approximately 1 ½ – 2 hours.


Dark lip correction is a specialised treatment for those with cool or dark-toned lips. We will colour correct and neutralise the natural darkness (dark pigmentation in lips) and then we will add the chosen lip colour pigment for the lip blush treatment once we have lightened the colour ( Please note, you may need 2-3 sessions of neutralising before we can add the lip blush cololur. This is totally dependent on your starting shade of lips and will be individually assessed at your consultation and through-out your healing journey.


Lips are sensitive with an initial average healing process of approximately 5-10 days. There will be swelling, dryness and can also look chapped through the healing process, so please keep lips moisturised and clean (see our before and aftercare instructions below). Colour may disappear then return/bloom by week 8-12


Please Note : The correction can sometimes take 2-5 sessions to achieve the desired outcome. This depends on each person. Please do not compare your lip journey to another's, as we all have different lip textures, Lip Tones and health which all contributes to your healing process. 


This treatment is all about Patience. Patience's is Key - We recommend Follow up appointments between 10-12 weeks.  Clients that follow the recommended wait time often heal better before their next appointment.


Results can Last anywhere from 2-5 Years. 





  • Sugar Scrub for ALL 4 days leading up to your appointment 

  • Consume Lots of water leading up to your appointment 

  • Moisturise your Lips!

  • Please Note : Skipping these steps will result in poor colour retention, potential unevenness & excessive swelling. 

  • If you are prone to cold sores - Take antiviral medications 3 days before treatment. 



  • Please keep the area clean and free from any lymph,

  • Please wipe 3 times a day with a fragrance free baby wipes for the first 3 days then after that leave the skin to heal by itself. (Alternative - Distilled Water + Cotton Pad)

  • First 7 days - Advised to drink through a straw

  • First 7 days - NO SMOKING (Recommended Vaping only)

  • First 7 days - NO KISSING (Sorry!) - ( Prevents risk of infection)

  • Wait 14 days to start lip scrubbing.

  • Moisture at all times for the best healing results. 

  • Please use the Aquaphor Lip to keep the lips moist and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and promote healing. 

  • Please Do Not use lipsticks or lip-gloss for a minimum of 4 days and no tingle or lip plumbing glosses for at least 2 weeks!

  • If Lips become wet in the shower or when washing your face simply pat dry with a cotton pad, it’s not a problem for them to become exposed to water. 

  • Please avoid citric and spicy food for 24/48 hours whilst still sensitive



Lips are sensitive with an initial average healing process of approximately 5-10 days. There will be swelling, dryness and can also look chapped through the healing process, so please keep lips moisturised and clean. Colour may disappear then return/bloom by week 8-12



DAY 1 - DAY 3 : Intense colour/ Swelling

WEEK 1 : Scabs then Peeling of lips ( Lips will look slightly lighter)

WEEK 2 - WEEK 5: Lips can appear to look dark/ dull

WEEK 6- 12 : Lips start to get lighter as the weeks progress

WEEK 12 - Top up Recommended


Cold sore suffers: these usually occur from day 3/5 it is important to act on these quickly and take the right course of action, if in doubt please do get in touch and we will give our recommendations. Please do not pick any scabs that form.

If you attend the gym, please ensure hands are sanitised and equipment before is cleaned before use to reduce the risk of cross contamination’s - you can attend light gym or workout sessions 24/48 hours post treatment, and heavy sessions whereby excessive sweating can occur 72 hours



Lip Blush is a cosmetic tattoo that applies pigment to the lip to create the look of volume, shape, definition and colour. A shape is drawn on, colour is implanted by skipping the needle across the lip.. surprisingly comfortable, initially post treatment the colour will look intense, it has to be strong enough to show through the lip once healed. 



SPMU Lip Blush is a 2-part process, you will not have a complete set after your 1st appointment. At your 1st appointment you will be booked in for your second session at 4-6 weeks. 

Lip blush tattoo can last between 2/3 years. With time and sun exposure the pigment can lighten and it may be necessary to have an annual touch up to bring the appearance back to its original high standards.



For SPMU Lip Blush you should expect slight swelling post treatment & 48 hours after (not always) the colour will appear super vibrant, and can continue to darken 24 hours. This will eventually fade. From days 2-5 expect the colour to peel away like a dry matte lipstick does as it wears off. As it wears off you will panic that colour hasn’t taken, don't Panic, this is normal. The colour will slowly start to return 3-4 weeks post treatment as the lip heals, during this time keep the lips hydrated with a chapstick. Hydrated lips show more colour.


Retouch ups are often required. The total healing period of 4-6 weeks is required before a re-touch procedure can be performed. 




  • Sugar Scrub for ALL 4 days leading up to your appointment 

  • Consume Lots of water leading up to your appointment 

  • Moisturise your Lips!

  • Please Note : Skipping these steps will result in poor colour retention, potential unevenness & excessive swelling. 

  • If you are prone to cold sores - Take antiviral medications 3 days before treatment. 




  • Please keep the area clean and free from any lymph,

  • Please wipe 3 times a day with a fragrance free baby wipes for the first 3 days then after that leave the skin to heal by itself. (Alternative - Distilled Water + Cotton Pad)

  • First 7 days - Advised to drink through a straw

  • First 7 days - NO SMOKING (Recommended Vaping only)

  • First 7 days - NO KISSING (Sorry!) - ( Prevents risk of infection)

  • Wait 14 days to start lip scrubbing.

  • Moisture at all times for the best healing results. 

  • Please use the Aquaphor Lip to keep the lips moist and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and promote healing. 

  • Please Do Not use lipsticks or lip-gloss for a minimum of 4 days and no tingle or lip plumbing glosses for at least 2 weeks!

  • If Lips become wet in the shower or when washing your face simply pat dry with a cotton pad, it’s not a problem for them to become exposed to water. 

  • Please avoid citric and spicy food for 24/48 hours whilst still sensitive



Lips are really quick healers, but change so much in such a short period, so what’s normal? Bruising, swelling is all totally normal with lips and can vary greatly between clients. If you are concerned re bruising then you can use arnica cream/ tablets and this can break it down a little quicker, but overall it’s nothing to be concerned about and will go on it’s own.

All lips swell during and post treatment - this can cause the treatment to sometimes appear uneven, please do not panic, leave them to heal and if tweaks are needed this can easily be done at the top up - less is more.

Immediately after they may seem pale and patchy, this can be present for anything up to 24 hours - usually 24 hours post treatment the colour will oxidise intensely - they’ll go very dark, patchy, uneven this is all part of the process, we should be able to judge the result from the session from around week 3/4 once healed.

Lips should heal very quickly within 5 days, typically as follows..


Day 1: Intense colour / fuller looking shape than anticipated
Day 2: Middle of lips begin to peel / overall lip starts to dry out like a matte lipstick can do so
Day 3: Outline starts to peel / appears uneven - please do not pick, persevere
Day 4: Scabs begin to shed completely and look pale in colour
Day 5: Colour seems to of disappeared, keep applying balm and keeping hydrated it will return


Cold sore suffers: these usually occur from day 3/5 it is important to act on these quickly and take the right course of action, if in doubt please do get in touch and we will give our recommendations. Please do not pick any scabs that form.

If you attend the gym, please ensure hands are sanitised and equipment before is cleaned before use to reduce the risk of cross contamination’s - you can attend light gym or workout sessions 24/48 hours post treatment, and heavy sessions whereby excessive sweating can occur 72 hours.





Yes Of course! Lip filler combined with lip blush/lip neutralising or liner can truly give the most eye catching results. 

However, there is a healing period that must be followed. You MUST wait 4 weeks. This means, No Lip Filler/Dissolver for 4 weeks prior to SPMU Lips, and no Lip filler/Dissolver should be applied for 4 weeks after the SPMU Treatment.

Please be advised that it is rare that we apply a semi-permanent lip blush or lip liner to a client who has over filled Lips (Migration). This is because if migration is apparent, the original shape of the lip can be unclear, which can affect the final result of the Semi Permanent Lip Tattoo.


The quality of results we give to our clients are always our upmost priority; we value their time, their investment so we would always advise dissolving of any migration to get the best possible results.  


For clients who are interested in this treatment who are unsure if they have migration, Please Book in for a consultation, we are here to help. 





After your 2nd session and complete healing, annual top ups are recommended 12 months+ dependant on how quick it fades or how vivid you want to keep to colour up.

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